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Queen of the Flowers: The Peony

by Beth Abood |

When the peonies bloomed,
It seemed as though there were
No flowers around them.


@fjura - Instagram

@fjura - Instagram

Peony season has graced us with it's presence yet again and we are so excited to be playing with the beautiful "Queen of the Flowers" once again, especially in our market bunches! It seems we're not the only ones obsessed though - every year when peony season rolls around we get so much excitement and enthusiasm from our clients, which is why we've decided to dedicate an entire blog post to them.

Read on to find out some interesting bits of info about the peony including it's origin, the striking range of colours and varieties it comes in, how and when to buy them, what you can expect to pay and how to keep them lasting for as long as possible. 

@ruby_marylennox - Instagram


Botanical Name: Paeonia

Origin: Asia

Colours: shades of white, pink, red, and coral.

Stems per bunch: 5

Best time to buy: Nov/Dec when they're abundant, although they'll start to enter the market mid-late October. Imported varieties are available at other times throughout the year.  

How to pick the best bunch: to have them for longest buy them fresh when they're in a tight bud, about a golf ball size (that way you can watch them expand and change colour each day). Make sure there's no browning of the outer petals. Check the leaves are dark green and looking fresh, not slimy or soft and floppy. 

Vase Life: 7-10 days provided they are fresh and locally grown.

How to make them last: peonies can come with a hefty price tag (anywhere from $50-$75 per 5 stem bunch) so it's worth knowing how to enjoy them for as long as possible:

  • Remove any foliage that would otherwise sit in the vase water to keep water clean.
  • Cut 2-3cm off the base of the stem at a diagonal angle and place in a vase filled with room temp water.
  • The warmer the room and the more light they are exposed to, the faster the peonies will open, so they're best kept out of direct sunlight in a cooler part of the room. 
  • Top up the vase water daily as peonies drink quickly.

@ruby_marylennox - Instagram

Ten of Floreat's favourite varieties:

1. Red Charm

@sophiakaplan - Instagram

2. Shirley Temple

@ruby_marylennox - Instagram


@sophiakaplan - Instagram

4. Sarah Bernhardt

 Google Images

5. Festiva Maxima

@sophiakaplan - Instagram

6. Nick Shaylor

@alaskapeony - Instagram

7. Princess Margaret

@ruby_marylennox - Instagram

8. Marie Crousse

@alaskapeony - Instagram

9. Buckeye Bell

@boutierregirls - Instagram

10. Duchess de Nemour

@jardinebotanic - Instagram


Floreat will have peony bunches available via our online store throughout Nov-Dec.

Cover image: @fjura - Instagram 


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